Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Another Trip Back in Time

I don't know what sent me in this direction, but I googled my childhood pediatrician, Dr. Eleanor Adler today. I found an interview with her that was done as part of an oral history of the early Albuquerque medical community at .  Dr. Adler has always stayed in my memory, so reading this interview was a delight for me, especially reading about how Dr. Adler got started in the 1930's, coming to Albuquerque in 1947.

I remember liking to go to the doctor.  The first office I remember was on, I believe north Central, right before downtown, and not far from Presbyterian hospital, in a house-like building which we accessed by steps up the sloping front, landscaped on both sides with large rocks on the slopes.  Her second office was in the newly built Encino Medical plaza.

I know I had my tonsils removed in her office, and in the interview she talks about how her brother did the tonsillectomies, which is a surgery done in the hospital today.

Dr.  Adler made house calls.  A famous one, my mother used to tell the story of, was how when my parents were out of town and my grandparents were staying with us, I got "sick." When Dr. Adler arrived, I was suddenly better, glad to see this familiar face.

I was crushed when after my college physical, Dr. Adler told us it was time for me to leave her.  She was an influence on me, and perhaps stimulated my initial desire to be a doctor.  Perhaps I feel this fondness, because her name brings me directly back to childhood.  I do know I have always admired this kind, direct woman, and I was thrilled to read about her today.

1 comment:

  1. Barbara! You won a copy of EVERY DAY BIRDS - please e-mail me with your snail mail address and name for inscribing. amy at amylv dot com. Congrats! (Sorry to post here - not sure how else to find you!) :)
