Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Something to write about!

It's been a long time, and there have been lots of things to write about, but I didn't get to them yet (or may never get there!)  But I got something in the mail yesterday which was something I've wanted since I was in my teens:
A CD title for my dog.  I started thinking about this when our first poodle, Gigi, earned two legs in obedience, almost there, but we never went to another trial.  I still have the Nambe ashtray she earned as high in trial or best in show, whatever it was then.  I've thought about it every times I've taken a poodle to obedience training, with Triska, Persi, Caprice, and Rondo.  I didn't  take the time to practice, didn't have the support or commitment.  But Canon and I made it!
It wasn't pretty, but we got through it.  Two plus years of training.  More driving to and from training than actual training, I think.  Lots of treats- Charley Bears, chicken, hot dogs, whatever else I acquired.  Lots of dollars.  Canon's attention is still not riveted upon me.  He often follows when there's nothing more interesting around, and at a trial, there's something more interesting.  He paid attention just enough, followed my commands just enough, to earn us what I've thought about for a long time.
Thank you, Canon.  Good boy!!!!!