Friday, February 5, 2010

An Odd Movie/ An Odd Review

Tonight we watched the movie Pumpkin  and I'm going to have a hard time describing it.  I can't for the life of me figure out what caused me to order it from Netflix.  I don't know who I could recommend it to, although I liked it, mainly because I can't type it.

It's a parody, a satire, a comedy, a drama.  It's a parody of a snobby sorority girl movie, girl finding herself, triumph of the downtrodden, love story.  A California sorority girl serves as a mentor to a "challenged" athlete, finds the young man to be the only one who understands her, ending her romance with Ken, the tennis star, and encountering the disdain of her university, sorority sisters, family and Pumpkin's mother.

It's campy and "thinky" with lots of witty dialogue.  The scorned and embarrassed boyfriend dramatically drives off a cliff, becomes wheelchair bound, yet becomes the good guy, who coaches to the challenged athletes to victory.  Our Pumpkin becomes the hero of the day and walks off with the girl, who asks him, "Is that metaphorically or literally?"  Pumpkin is too simple to understand this and the film leaves us wondering about the couple's future.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Look into My Tiles

I think almost everyone has looked for images in the clouds-- the puffy rabbit, the elephant.  Since moving into this house, I've looked into my shower tiles.  I find a new image every time, but there are also some old favorites I look for every day, ome that I find familiar and comforting.

The tile on the left is my dog tile.  Most importantly, in it I can find poodle images, one in which I see Rondo's head, another a sitting poodle.  Another tile I consider my "DeLayo" tile, in which I can see the nice, big, broken Italian nose of one of my father's closest friends.

Am I strange, or just admitting or noticing what others won't or don't?