Sunday, November 8, 2009

We ambled and dawdled...

...instead of dashed at today's Doggie Dash and Dawdle sponsored by NMAHA. It was Canon's first big social event and I was very proud of both Canon and Caprice who seemed to enjoy their outing, but maintained very respectable behavior for the most part. Their favorite part seemed to be meeting other poodles near the Enchanted Poodle Club's booth.

They turned especially joyful when they met their friends Jasper and Roxy (Canon's sister). It was obvious the four dogs knew each other by the tail wagging, jumping, and rolling around andplaying done by Canon and Roxy (and I got a nice kiss from Jasper).

In the end, we passed on the official 2 mile walk. By the time it came around, our two pups had strolled and done much visiting, so we took a very limited dawdle up the road and back.

Canon was much admired and both were repeatedly praised for their looks and good behavior. On the way out the visited with Louie Lobo, which Canon took in his easy going way and which Caprice was not thrilled with. It was an encouraging day. My dogs are great, and I'm not the only one who thinks so!

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