Monday, February 21, 2011


I have an idea that won't work (yet), but I'm so interested in the process that I felt compelled to pull out my iPad (the closest and quickest device) and write about it while still in bed.

As my usual morning routine, I got up, dragged myself to the bathroom and opened up the February issue of O Magazine, which by the way, had a creativity theme. I read the interview Oprah did with Julie, creator of musical The Lion King. They were talking about Taymor's new musical, Spiderman. I was interested in several levels. I'm a fan Taymor's work and love the idea that she works out of a background of folklore and myth.

Bathroom reading time done, I decided to give myself 5 more minutes in bed and cuddle next to Caprice. Next thing I know, I'm thinking comics, then of using the comic application on my Mac, then I, for some reason, am thinking of my BCD (Bone Cancer Dogs) friends and the next reunion. That involves a gift to bring. For me, ideally that would be some sort of little book. A comic book? With dogs? "Bone Cancer isn't Funny.". OK, here's where the idea goes bad, but isn't it an interesting sequence of thought?

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