Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Sweet Memories

Mom's 80th Birthday Party
Mom with grandchildren & her aunt Sallie

I miss having a mother.  I missed having a mother for much of my adult life when she was alive, although I knew my mom cared about me.  I was going to write those stories about how we didn't get along, but I've decided not to for now, just the sweet memories.

Shopping with my mother is a pervasive memory.  Shopping at Lee's Children's Store on Central, Fedway downtown, Lynn's at Coronado.  I remember going to the store where she had her hats made.  There were also trips to Henry Hillson's wholesale store, where we picked up cheap dresses and clothing.  When I was older, she took me to her store- CarLin's, the expensive women's store.

There were trips to Vicker's Toy Store, buying Nancy Drew books at the office store at Nob Hill, grocery shopping. 

I remember one Valentine's Day present in particular-- a little brass doll bed with a red and gold bedspread and cylinder shaped bolster.

I remember drives to Four Hills Country Club for swimming, my mother taking us to swimming lessons at Menaul Club and the Tennis Club, as well.

Her cooking and baking- especially golden brownies and surprise cookies.  Her "company juice"- grape juice blended with bananas.  Chopped liver, knishes, packaged scalloped potatoes, and, strangely enough, broiled liver, although not a favorite.  Her special meal, for some birthdays, especially Richard's, was shish kabobs.

When she was younger, mom liked to entertain.  I learned organizing for entertaining from her.  She laid out the serving plate she would use.  I vaguely remember a neighborhood Channukah party when I was young.  Knowing now how hard it is to turn out lots and lots of latkes, I really appreciate that.

I remember my parents coming back from their annual New Year's trip to Las Vegas with Doris and Jack.  My mom didn't gamble, but was proud of the Lalique party favors she brought back.

I rarely give my mother credit for anything, but she gave me my love of reading. My mom liked magazines.  I remember Life, Look, Good Housekeeping, Ladies' Home Journal and McCall's coming every month.  Mom enjoyed seeing that I got the Betsy McCall paper dolls from each magazine.  When I was old enough to read, she saw that I got Humpty Dumpty Magazine, Children's Digest, Highlights, Jack and Jill, American Girl.  She took us to the library, both the Ernie Pyle branch not far from our house and the downtown library.  As I mentioned, she supported my Nancy Drew habit.

Although my mother wasn't very demonstrative with love and affection, I know she was proud of her children and wanted the best for us.  You know, writing this has made me smile, remembering my mother.  That's a good thing.

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