Monday, July 20, 2009

Walking: A Puppy Memory

A little while ago, I returned from my morning walk with Caprice. It was delightful, as usual-- mostly peaceful. We don't see many people at our park. Caprice is getting better when we encounter other dogs. I'm reminding her to behave herself when we come upon another dog, and if she doesn't bark, she gets a treat.

The pleasant walk reminded me of when Caprice was a puppy. When Capricewas young, and we couldn't take her to public places yet, I walked her around the block. She wasn't the best walking companion, often sitting and refusing to budge, expecially when she heard loud noises, like garbage trucks. Dragging didn't work. Begging didn't work. One time I remember sitting on the curb waiting for Caprice to change her mind about moving. I did learn that often, if I turned around and ignored her, instead of begging, she would eventually come along.

About this time, I read Cesar's Way by Cesar Milan. I know there are a lot of people in Dog Land that don't agree with his methods, but his basic concept of being the pack leader helped me. Since Caprice was a bit of a wild child, I thought it was worth it to walk her regularly at my side, instead of where she wanted to go. Maybe she grew up a little, but she got better and easier to walk. And right now, it's great!

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