Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Road Kill

How to get back to regular blogging?  I've had lots of ideas for writing, but didn't sit down at the right time to put them down.  Now, oddly, here I am, and my topic--road kill.

Today (or yesterday) I drove past yet another dead rabbit in the middle of the road.  This always disturbs me, even if it's been there awhile.  Obviously it's been run over more than once, and it makes me wonder about the value of life, any life.  It seems a travesty to leave a dead animal in the road to be run over and over again. Disrespect for life.  I find myself apologizing to the dead animal for the indignity of being smashed in the road and lying there until it is unrecognizable.
And then I choose to look up an image for road kill, where there are rows and rows of pictures of dead animals, jokes about picking up and eating road kill.  I chose to use one of those for my blog.  I see road kill stuffed toys.   I even have a pair of road kill rabbit earrings that I bought years ago. 
I remember hearing how some native Americans apologized to the animals they killed for food, and showed their respect for not wasting any part of the animal.  Is today's attitude desensitization?  Am I making a mountain out of a molehill?  Road kill isn't funny to me anymore.  Do I need to lighten up?