Of course, there have been things going on since I last wrote in June. I want to mention them, so I'll remember to write about them, and then I'll go on with my topic. Canon's performance in agility- the thrill of double Q's. Our trip to Seattle. Poodles. Caprice's heart. Gifted education- my reply to Donna. The change to fall. That's what I can remember for now. So now onward...
Last month and this month, I was invited to "mini-reunions" with women with whom I had graduated from Highland High School. I had reservations about going. Of the people I knew were coming, these were not people I socialized with in high school. There weren't many of those. These weren't even people I was interested in knowing in high school. I knew their names. They were the "popular" kids, the pretty girls- cheerleaders, homecoming princesses, movers and shakers of the high school sort. Not my fit.
So I ran into one of these "popular" girls, Debbie, after getting a bone density scan. I've been FaceBook "friends" with her, but that hardly requires any familiarity. Anyway, I got a message from Debbie asking if I'd be interested in the "mini-reunion." Apparently, a group of women who went from elementary school to high school got together once in awhile to reminisce, and they'd decided to branch out. Shirley, who, I'd grown up in Sunday school with, was going to be there, and I was curious, so going beyond my comfort level, I joined these people for dinner at Eileen's house.
Although none of these people had been close to me in high school, I enjoyed myself. Everyone's a "friend" in some way after 40+ years. I knew their names, if nothing else. I found it interesting, and was amazed at how nice I found people.
With Susan McInveney Davis and Jerri Teresi
After dinner, someone suggested going around the table and telling a little bit about what we had been doing and answering the question, "How have I changed since high school?" I thoroughly enjoyed it and found I liked most of the people there. Enough that I'd be willing to see them again, which for me is unusual.
Moved to this past weekend. Lunch at El Pinto with 22 classmates. Again, I enjoyed my time with these people. I brought along my friend, Wanda, but unlike me, did not cling to her, and again, enjoyed the new people were there, and was glad to see the ones I had met a few weeks ago.
With Peggy Ratcliff Serns and Donna Fossum
It's been nice to be with familiar faces.