Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ghosts of Halloween Past

Halloween is tomorrow.  This is not thrilling to me.  I must be the Scrooge of Halloween.  I don't like running to the door every minute or so while trying to watch something on TV or finish something in the kitchen, listening to my dogs bark and get excited.  I don't enjoy oohing and aahing at the kids' costumes.  I don't like parents who hold their teeny children out to get candy, when I know full well who's going to eat the candy.  I don't like the kids who haven't even learned to say, "Trick or treat," and just hold their bags out for me to pour the candy in.  I don't like the kids who evaluate the loot and complain if I don't have candy they like.  I don't appreciate kids who can't even say thank you, but turn immediately and leave.

And yet, Halloween was fun as a kid.  We even extended our Halloween to include the night before, Beggars' Night.  I remember walking around with friends, but for the most part, I can't tell you which friends.  I don't remember any specific costumes, but I do remember having to wear a coat over/under my costume if it was cold.  I do remember that getting a popcorn ball was a good deal.  I remember the Beckley's Halloween parties in their garage.  Bales of hay for decorations were a big deal, too.  My memories of Halloween are slim, but I did enjoy it.
What happened?

Being a teacher and having Halloween parties with wild, greedy children?  Being on the giving end, rather than the receiving end?  Being damn lazy?


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

All iz well- 3 Idiots

What does "All iz well" have to do with the Bollywood movie 3 Idiots?  It is the film's mantra, but is also how I feel about the movie.  This long, silly movie about the search for a former college friend takes many twists and subplots.  You name the motif, it's there.  Three musketeers.  Check.  Hateful professor.  Check.  Rival classmates.  Check.  Hate/love relationship.  Check.  Findling a long lost love.  Check.  Learning to do what you love, rather than what your parents want of you.  Check.  Genius bad boy makes good.  Among these "chapters" are Bollywood production numbers.  I loved it and am glad that the title didn't scare me away from it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Back in the Saddle

This handsome young man and I went back to school today after a seven week hiatus and this is something to celebrate for lots of reasons. 
First, my cast is off and I feel like going to class!  Not having my dog classes which fill up so much of my time has been hard on us both.  Canon gets to socialize and work, where he's been leading an undisciplined life for the past month and a half.  I expected wildness and willfulness, but Mr. Canon did a good job.  We' had to make a few adaptations- mostly off-leash since I can't correct him with his collar, and we haven't done what the other dogs have, but I'm proud of my boy.

Evi gave him the dreaded ear pinch to make him pick up the dumbell today.  It was hard mto watch, but nowhere near as awful as I expected it to be.  We have a lot of homework to do there.

Ultimately, it was nice to have a job for me to do and a place for us to go.  Being homebound isn't all it's cracked up to be, unless it's a cold, snowy day.

I'm happier than I've been in awhile, and I hope Canon is, too...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I can...

...touch my nose with my left hand-
        I have to bend my head a bit,
        but it's still good,
...pull up my pants with two hands,
...tie my own shoes,
...carry two dog dishes at the same time.

             I am SUPERWOMAN!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Joint Analogies

I know there are some analogies or metaphors here somewhere.  Maybe they'll reveal themselves.

The cast came off my arm two days ago.  What a relief to not carry that cast around, to not clunk against furniture and doorways, to not have to carefully tape a garbage bag over my arm to shower or bathe.  No incision scar rbbing against plastic.  I have all my fingers to use now.  BUT, the elbow still doesn't work.  This is not unusual after my arm has been in forced at a 90 degree angle for six weeks, but it is frustrating. i can straighten the elbow to almost 45 degrees.  I work and work at bending the elbow more, so I could rub lotion on my other arm or blow dry my hair.  It feels like I've made progress, but when I look at my elbow, I still see that 90 degree bend.  I'm nowhere near scratching my nose, unless I try bending my head down to my hand (not easy!).

Here's where the metaphoric stuff comes in.   I look at my arm, know how it used to work, how it should work, but it just doesn't for no apparent reason, even discounting the pain.  It's kind of like when your phone or some appliance stops working.  You either get someone to fix it, or throw it away and buy a new one.  Not an option. I look at my hand longingly and will it to scratch my nose, to button my blouse.  Not yet. 

That discrepancy between knowing how my body should work, and how it's actually working is tough to digest.  I do think of the people who have lost limbs or the use of their limbs permanentlt, and can't even think how I would deal with that and be able to make the physical and mental adaptations necessary to go on to having a happy, productive life.  I suppose some never do.

I'm expecting to get past this.  I make my tiny steps towards moving that arm, waiting the six weeks until my doctor's appointment, when the PA will suggest my next steps.  I'm anxious, and suppose I will be for awhile. 
Sounds a bit like other roadbocks in life.  Doesn't it?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

This morning...

... I woke up to sunshine...

                and this...

and this...

Not bad after a cloudy, rainy day yesterday!