When I was a young lad in the first grade I was struggling with my teacher on a number of topics. One such issue was the alphabet. When I got to reciting the last part of the alphabet, T U V W X Y Z, my response was always “tee u vee double vee x y z”. My teacher would say, " No, no it is double u." I would look at the alphabet and it surely looked like a double v to me. My reply would be, "This is my final answer," since she would not let me call a friend for the correct answer. This resulted in my spending an extra year in the first grade.
Lo and behold, same thing happened for the next two years. Finally, the schools learned about social promotion and I exited my first grade encounter. To this day, when people ask me who was my first grade teacher, my reply, "Which one? I had three." This started my public school challenge. When I was in high school, having reached the age of 22, allowing me legally to go drinking with my teachers, they finally said I should abandon my pursuit of a higher education and get a job roughnecking on an oil rig. (So funny my girlfriend would not even agree to normal necking, more less on an oil rig). To this day I still say the only thing that kept me out of college was high school.
An example of a sentence using u u instead of W (by the way is double u according to my teachers) is:
UUednesday, uuild UUee UUilly uueasel uuas uuriting uuonderful uuiggly uuords uuhich uuere uueird, uuhen uuishing uuise uuitch UUanda UUhite uuould uuelcome uuise uuhiplash UUally uuabbit (sic) uuith uuet uuater uuith uuhich uuould uuake uuhole uuorld uuide uueb.
Barbara's Note: I had NO part in writing this!